ED593 Equal Opportunity and Dignity
Im working on a Management exercise and need support.
Table of Contents
Post a reply with just your name to a group discussion thread (Group A, Group B, etc.) to join a group. Pay attention to the number of students in each group to ensure equal distribution among groups. The threads you select will be the only ones you will participate in.For your discussion post:
- Make sure you use people first language (The Arc, n.d.).
- Briefly describe two scenarios, either from personal experience or from recent news stories that resonate with you (please provide a link to the story if it came from an online source)one scenario should relate to issues of equal opportunity and the other should relate to issues of ethic dignity.
- In addition to your brief description, explain your understanding of
- the issue(s) at stake
- the voices expressing various perspectives
- How were the issues dealt with? Briefly explain the course of action, then, based on course reading and/or other research, analyze the actions and outcome from a consequentialist ethics and distributive justice standpoint.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
The Arc. (n.d.). What is people first language? Retrieved from
What does it mean to be an American? While each of us may have our own specific answer to that question, we likely can agree on the basic principles of America: freedom, equal opportunity, and rights accompanied by responsibilities.
Ben Nelson
Equal Opportunity and Democratic Community
The Declaration of Independence famously says, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. All people are created equal, yet all people are not the same. Some are better at math, some at writing. Some struggle to learn from lectures, while others struggle in group projects. Some students have disabilities or special needs, and some students are categorized as gifted. All of these differences suggest that different people need different resources and support to pursue happiness.This week introduces the challenge of balancing equality with helping every individual student rise to full potential. On the one hand, educators do not deny opportunity to students on the basis of race or certain other factors. On the other hand, honors courses are reserved for those deemed to have the capacity and motivation to succeed in them. Furthermore, schools dedicate extra resources to serving students with special needs to ensure they receive an appropriate education and are not denied equal opportunity. The core question at hand is knowing how to determine characteristics relevant for differentiated treatment and knowing when all should be treated equally.Practically, you will consider how schools are bound by the principles of opportunity and community, and how they promote these values through school-based interventions. While interventions are commonly understood to apply to special education, you should also consider how interventions may be used in general education.Along with this weeks required studies you will find some extra recommended resources. While these articles are not required, you are encouraged to take some time to read them since they are particularly applicable to your discussion posts and assignments.
Weekly Objectives
Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:
- Review and discuss the levels of acting ethically: as individuals, within organizations and governments, and throughout the society. (9f, 9i, 9m, 10q)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- Study and analyze the latest research and professional literature related to law and ethics in educational practice. (9f, 9m, 9o)
- Ethics and Law in Special Education
- Analyze current legal standards and their association with contemporary ethical practice. (9f, 9m, 9o)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- Develop an understanding of ethical-legal issues in school-based interventions, including the general education classroom. (9j, 9o, 10q)
- Equal Opportunity and Equal Dignity
- School-Based Interventions
- Review and discuss the levels of acting ethically: as individuals, within organizations and governments, and throughout the society. (9f, 9i, 9m, 10q)
Textbook Reading
The Ethics of Teaching (Strike & Soltis, 2009/2015)
- Chapter 4: Equal Opportunity and Democratic Community
Teachers and the Law (Schimmel, Stellman, Conlon, & Fischer, 2015)
- Chapter 7: How Should I Deal with Child Abuse and Neglect?
- Chapter 11: When Can Schools Limit Religious Freedom?
- Chapter 15: Are Teachers and Students Protected Against Racial Discrimination?
- Chapter 16: Are Teachers and Students Protected against Sex Discrimination?
- Chapter 17: Are there Special Rights for Students with Disabilities and Non-English Speaking Students? (Review from Week 1)
- What is People First Language? (The Arc, n.d.) [Web page]
- All Together Now: Special and Regular Educators Prosper in PLCs (Many & Schmidt, 2013) [Web page]
- The Difference Between Accommodations and Modifications (Strom, n.d.) [Web page]
- “Inclusion: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the NEA” (U. S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS), 1994) [Web page]
- What is RTI? (National Center for Learning Disabilities, n.d.) [Web page]
- What Is a “Professional Learning Community”? (DuFour, 2004) [Web page]
- Is Equality Enough? (Chapman, 2017) [Video] [Closed captioned]
- How does RTI differ from previous approaches to providing interventions? (Center on Response to Intervention at American Institutes for Research, 2016) [Video] [Transcript]
Recommended Studies
These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For a deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources.Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions, Child Development, 82(1), 405-432. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01564.xHord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: What are they and why are they important? Issues about Change, 6(1), 1-8. Retrieved from http://www.sedl.org/change/issues/issues61.htmlHunt, J. H., & Adreasen, J. B. (2011). Making the most of universal design for learning. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 17(3), 166-172. Retrieved from http://www.nctm.org/Publications/Mathematics-Teaching-in-Middle-School/all-issues/Mueller, T. G. (2009, January/February). IEP facilitation. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41(3), 60-67. Retrieved from http://cehs01.unl.edu/ECSE/960/Mueller-IEP.pdfStephens, K. R. (2011). Federal and state response to the gifted and talented. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 27(4), 306-318. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15377903.2011.615823