[SOLUTION] Educational Institutions
WORKING TITLEPerceptions on Online Language Learning among Sabahan Students During the COVID-19 PandemicRESEARCH OBJECTIVESi. To determine students perceptions on online language learning.ii. To specify the issues that students face during online language learning.iii. To find out the ways taken by students to overcome the issues.RESEARCH QUESTIONSi. What are the students perceptions on online language learning?ii.
What are the issues that students face during online language learning?iii. What are the ways taken by students to overcome the issues?RESEARCH JUSTIFICATIONDue to COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions have been ordered to close and as a result, students must resort to full-time online learning.Gismalla et al. (2020) conducted a study on medical students perceptions towards challenges and difficulties of e-learning and discovered that students are willing to continue their learning and educational process via e-learning even though they encounter issues such as internet service, facilities, technical support, live sessions, interactions and exam conductions.
The gap of the study is that it did not explore the ways of how students overcome the identified issues. The students will consist of Sabahan students in which the state is known for having limited broadband services when the news of a Sabahan university student who climbed a tree to ensure she had a good internet connection to sit for her online exams shocked the nation. Apart from connectivity issues, this research will explore other challenges faced by Sabahan students during online language learning and how they overcome those difficulties.