Effects of Alcohol on the Risk of Developing Cancer

1. Be sure that your paper has an appropriate introduction and conclusion. 2. Describe cancer and how it develops:  What is cancer? What is a tumor?

What roles do genes and mutations play in cancer developing? What are proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes? What are the general risk factors which contribute to the risk of developing cancer?

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Effects of Alcohol on the Risk of Developing Cancer
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3. Describe the biology of your specific topic…be specific about sources of this dietary substance, which types of cancer are affected by this factor, and the mechanism (ideally, at the cellular level) for how this substance reduces or promotes the development of cancer. 4. Provide experimental evidence or studies which support what the effects (positive and/or negative) of this specific factor are on developing cancer.

Describe at least two studies. What are the results? If study results are mixed, which ones are more credible, and why would the results differ from one study to the next? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_and_cancer#:~:text=A%20woman%20drinking%20an%20average,increases%20by%2011%20per%201000.

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