[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Of COVID-19 Pandemic
ESSAY QUESTION: “How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected people’s sense of self?”You could talk about ‘everyday life’ when answering this question, but it would also give you more of an angle to discuss some of the course readings (e.g., the work on the isolation and solitary confinement). READINGLisa Guenther. Solitary Confinement: Social Death and Its Afterlives . Please read ‘Introduction: A Critical Phenomenology of Solitary Confinement.’This is Essential reading. READINGLisa Baraitser, ‘Enduring,’ from Enduring Time.READINGLisa Guenther. Solitary Confinement: Social Death and ItsAfterlives . Please read ‘Introduction: A Critical Phenomenology of Solitary Confinement.’This is Essential reading. READINGGail Lewis. Questions of Presence .This is Essential reading. READINGLes Back. Why Everyday Life Matters: Class, Community and Making Life Livable .This is Essential reading.