Egalitarianism in Early America
1) Read and review the Unit 2, Part 8 assignment. This includes the commentary, textbook, and Voices of Freedom documents listed under the assignment of Unit 2, Part 8.2) Using the posted information in Unit 2, Part 8, and the readings, write a five paragraph essay on the following question:What is egalitarianism, and how did those three parts influence the way Americans viewed society? In what ways was egalitarianism a part of the Age of Jackson and how did it shape the lives of the common man, women, and Native Americans during that time?3) Make sure to proofread your paper and submit it in the dropbox by 1the due date.Papers should be typed, double spaced, and 12 point font with 1″ or 1.25″ margins. It must be submitted in Microsoft Word or as a PDF. Adobe PDF converter is free online. Papers with originality reports over 20% will receive a 0/10. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. No direct quotes are allowed. Papers that cannot be accessed by the professor because of format issues will be scored at 0/10.