Elephant Population Research Essay

There is a decline in the elephant population in a specific area in Africa. You are an activist trying increase the elephant population. You are required to present a proposed solution to this problem. Create a proposal to solve this elephant problem. Please include the following: Background Information. (Describe the main biome where elephants are located; describe an ecosystem, and describe 4 other types of biomes) Name and discuss how elephants are threatened in Africa. (Research) Discuss how biodiversity can affect the increase and decline of the elephant population. Differentiate between the types of population growth models that can increase or decrease the elephant population. Discuss how community populations relate to your proposal. IMPORTANT: Additional resources are welcomed for more support, but the grade associated with the information from the book designated for this class will be the measurement tool to assess your paper. Please review the “plagiarism” screencast below. This will assist with plagiarism flags from your writing assignments. Turnitin is a plagiarism tool used to detect word for word verbiage online. https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cFhn0fbrZ8 Per Ashworth College’s policy, a 70 is the highest grade received for a 2nd submission. Length/Formatting Instructions Length 1000 Words

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