Emerging Technologies
Research and present on the emerging technology – new information technology standard, product, or concept – that you have selected. Use web sites, articles, books or any other media of your choice for your sources. Prepare a presentation of about 15 minutes of information (time of videos used in your presentation are not concluded) to deliver to the entire class. The presentation should attempt to answer the following questions: In laymans terms, what is the technology about and what does it do? What is important about the new technology? What does it offer business/consumers? What most interests you about the technology? How is it different from other existing technologies? What career opportunities exist in the area covered by the technology? How, if at all, does the technology change the job market? What new skills or knowledge would you need to develop to take advantage of new job opportunities? You can use Powerpoint or any other presentation softwares to help present the information. You may also simply use the browser to display pages from the internet, a word processing program or other program to prepare graphical material to help illustrate the material you will cover in your presentation. NOTE: any fact, material, graphics that you include in your presentation based on published or copyrighted material(books, magazines,web pages) must have the source material cited on the page and you must submit this to me when you do the presentation. Do not let this scare you about using such materials. This is not a term paper and so there is not expectations of formal footnote standards.