Employment Package
Audience /PurposeUsing everything you have learned about effective workplace writing, apply full POWER process to prepare your employment package consisting of 3 pages intended to obtain aninterview for a position in your field because:– you get the positive attention of your readera prospective employer inyour field with documents that are:– easily scannable/highly reader-friendly–your writing and listed employee skills, explained knowledge and attributes are: — credible and suitable Contents2-page skills-based RESUME/outline summarizing WHAT?– informing reader about: — your educationcredential and courses– relevant skills in lists beginning with verbs– employment history– suitable additional details– using above order and vertical format/all Headings and point form/no– sentences/no paragraphs 1-page 5 6 paragraph (ii) COVER LETTER using AIDA formula/direct approach:– informing and persuading reader HOW?ii 1) — identify position youre applying for and where you found it– get readers attention by citing how your education and experience match the readers needs/needs of the specific workplace ii 2) explain how you can apply your knowledge to help meet readers needsii 3) explain how you can apply your skills to help meet your readers needsii 4) –explain how the kind of person/employee you are can help meetthe readers needs and why the reader would benefit from havingyou in the organizationii 5) — state thatyou look forward to the possibility of an interview at whichyou can meet the reader and explain further how the details outlined in your enclosed resume are beneficial to the reader/ you would be happy tobring along a copy of your report on communicating successfully at work