Enterprise Systems
Instructions :Answer the following questions clearly by providing examples wherever possible.Your answer will be assessed based on the following criteria:o The extent to which you have answered the questions concisely, clearly, and completely.o Level of comprehensiveness(toomuchcanbealmostasbadastoolittle).o Depth and insight demonstrated, and examples provided.For each question, write down the question first and then your answer.Format: 12-point normal font, 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch pagination on all sides.Submit a PDF file.QuestionsDescribe the role of a TPS, MIS, DSS and EIS in a service organization, and the relationship among each. (5 Marks)Define ERP, describe its functions, and discuss the advantages that adopting an ERP brings to organizations. (5 Marks)What are the challenges of implementing ERP systems? (5 Marks)Highlight the differences between ERP configuration, customization, and best of breed implementation strategies. (5 Marks)How do customer relationship management systems help organizations achieve customer intimacy? (5 Marks)Identify any real-world enterprise, it can be a for profit, non-profit orgovernment organization, clearly show how operational CRM systems and analytical CRM systems contribute to operational efficiency and effectiveness and increase revenue or profit. (5 Marks)Explain the important role that information systems play in supporting a supply chain strategy. (5 Marks)Would Rolls-Royce Motorcars (www.rolls-roycemotorcars.com) use a push model or a pull model in its supply chain? Support your answer. (5 Marks)Content and Format: There are eight short answer questions for a total of 40 marks. The questions are drawn from my lecture(Lectures 7 and 8) and related textbook chapters (Chapters 10 and 11) on Enterprise Systems. Your answer will be assessed based on the following criteria:The extent to which you have answered the questions concisely, clearly, and completely.Level of comprehensiveness (too much can be almost as bad as too little).Depth and insight demonstrated, and examples provided.Format for your answer:For each question, write down the question first and then your answer. Format: 12-point normal font, 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch pagination on all sides.1