Executive Summary
The purpose of writing an Executive Summary for your final assignment is to learn how to address a higher level person that has the power to make some changes for which you want to advocate.
This assignment addresses course outcome #5: Investigate Policy Solutions to address individual and social pathologies associated with emerging technological trends.
You are asked to prepare an Executive Summary for the Governor of your State on the topic you investigated in your Reference Summaries and Cross-cultural papers. Your job is to highlight the importance of your chosen topic by stating why the issue warrants public attention.
Be sure to identify the scope and scale of who is impacted by your topic and then support your summary with the research you have done. Finally, take a position on what you would like done at the public policy levels to address any gaps or shortcomings that are raised by your topic.
An Executive Summary is a 1-2 page paper that succinctly highlights key points and uses these points to make recommendations to one or more stakeholders. It is usually part of a more detailed report that allows policy makers at all levels to make informed decisions without having to read the entire report. A good Executive Summary contains a great deal of information in just one or two pages and is concisely and efficiently written so that the reader feels that he/she has a firm grasp of the key issues after having read the summary.
The writer must be convincing and definitive in his/her recommendations. Format One to two single-spaced pages. Page length does not include the reference list.
All references should appear on a separate page at the end of the paper using APA 7th edition format; The document should have one-inch margins on all sides as well as page numbers; The document should be submitted as an MS Word file; *pdf documents will not be accepted; Although executive summaries do not usually include citations (because they are contained in the larger report), for this assignment you are expected to include in-text citations and references should follow APA 7th edition format; Writing should be clear, concise, and professional. Avoid all jargon and slang; PROOFREAD YOUR WORK prior to submission.
A site that will be useful to you as you write your Executive Summary is: http://ewc.umgc.edu/ewc/web/exec_summary.html