Female Circumcision
Discussion : Nawal is a 35 year old married female, who was born and raised in Sudan. While a teenager, she experienced the rite of passage known as female circumcision. She has lived in the United States for five years. She has a thirteen year old daughter, and her family is insisting that her daughter now be circumcised. She is resistant, as she understands the health implications of this procedure. After reading above discussion Questions: What is the cultural basis for female circumcision? What are the cultural arguments against this procedure? What are the cultural arguments in favor for female circumcision? Cited resources: Female genital mutilation Retrieved from: https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/female-genital-mutilation Female Circumcision: Rite of Passage Or Violation of Rights? Retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/ipsrh/1997/09/female-circumcision-rite-passage-or-violation-rights http://clsjournal.ascls.org/content/30/1/34 Use another source