[ORDER SOLUTION] Financing Political Campaigns
Part one: Each response should take a few sentences to a paragraph. Im looking for specific information in your response. 1. What are the differences between an interest group, political party, and faction? 2. What are direct and indirect techniques in lobbying? 3. Define hard and soft money in campaign finances. Give me an example of each. 4. What are the current federal restrictions in hard money? Part two: Each response should take about a half page to a full page. 5. What did Shelby County v. Holder, 570 US 529 (2013) rule? How many justices ruled in the majority? Who wrote the majority opinion? What was declared unconstitutional? Please explain. Who wrote the dissenting opinion? What was the focus and reasoning of the dissenting opinion? What is preclearance? What states were subject to preclearance? 6. Explain Californias primary system. How is California more democratic than the federal system? What is a jungle primary? 7. Why has the US two-party system endured? 8. Explain the Electoral College process outlined in the Constitution? 9. What did Buckley v. Valeo 424 US 1 (1976) rule? The case is a per curiam opinion. What is a per curiam opinion? How does this ruling change the way we look at financing political campaigns? 10. Explain political party realignment and dealignment. Which one best describes the last presidential election (2020). Please cite evidence. Part three: 1 question. This response should be at least a page. 11. Citizens United v FEC 558 US 310 (2010) is a famous Supreme Court case that introduces superPACs. Please read and summarize the case into a one-page brief using the following headers: -Case -Facts (what circumstances led to this case going before the Court) -Constitutional issue (written as a question) -Reasoning/Analysis (how did the Court rule, who wrote the majority opinion and what were the arguments made) -Conclusion (what did the Court rule). -Impact of case (how does this case change society)