Finnegans Wake
You are being assigned two (2) pages of James Joyces Finnegans Wake to interpret. Each student will have a different two pages. After we have gone over page one in class, you will have two weeks to work on this paper and submit a first draft.There are two parts to this paper:1) What is going on in your section of the Wake? Who are the characters? What are they doing or thinking or saying?2) What do some of the portmanteaus mean? Dont try to do 1 for 1 translations; instead, try to work out the multiple layers of meaning Joyce has embedded in these strange word combinations. Once again, the sources may help you, but you should also attempt to apply some of what you have learned about myth in the course, as well as (scary thought!) your own intuition. Reading the passage aloud may help. You should also be aware that Joyce wrote the Wake under the influence of Jamesons Irish Whisky. In Gaelic, the origin of the word whisky is Ouisquebaugh, which means the water of life. That should have some resonance by now for you! I am not recommending anything here, just saying . . .This should be treated as a formal research paper, with citations for all ideas or direct quotes obtained from the sources, plus a full bibliography page at the end. If you figured out some of this on your own, thats good, but you should indicate this in the paper somehow. I am expecting at least 5 pages, and no more than 10, double-spaced.My pages (484-485). Just those pages!!!!!! Their labeled as 484 UP and 485 UP.