Fitness Plan | Instant Homework Solutions
1. During 1/11-1/15 assess your current fitness level. Decide what your purpose or goal is for participating in this class. Even if your real objective is to complete the requirements for a particular degree, you must also have at least one objective that relates to your cardiovascular status. 2. Develop a weekly plan and submit it to me no later than 1/15 . The plan needs to include the following information: Your name, phone number, e-mail address, and home address. Reason for taking this class (goal). Again, this goal should relate to the actual course, not completing degree requirements. Your individual weekly plan: This plan should include how many times per week you plan to walk, the length of time you will walk, and your plan for progressing. Expectations of students: Plan to walk at least 2-3 days per week. Plan to participate a minimum of 20 minutes per session. If you are walking 2 days a week, your minimum session should be 25 minutes. Show progress in your activity during the duration of the semester. Examples of progress include increasing the number of sessions per week, length of time per session, or any other improvements you notice to share with me. In addition to the cardiovascular fitness portion of the plan, your plan can also include a plan to improve your flexibility (stretching). The course involves significant walking so you will need to keep your hamstrings, calves and quadriceps stretched. A suggestion is to stretch these muscles at the end of each walking session for 5-10 minutes. You may wish to participate in Yoga or Pilates to enhance flexibility in your program.