Forms Of Cybercrimes
Be able to understand and prioritize the key terms needed for our understanding of cybercrime, i.e., the cyberese. · · Differentiate between cyber-trespass, cyber-deception/theft, cyber-porn and obscenity, and cyber-violence. Cite real-life examples of each. · · Be able to compare the various motivations of hackers. · Discriminate between the myths and the facts surrounding work-at-home scams · Compare the various cybercrime theoretical perspectives · Identify and rate the types of investigative techniques in detecting internet child pornography over Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of Holt’s (2016) book, Crime Online. Good Luck! QUESTION 1 1.) a) According to the class readings and discussions, there are many significant problems in defining and measuring cybercrime. First identify, at least few of these issues and provide examples. b) Next, provide at least one suggestion as to how cybercrime can be effectively measured. Be sure to fully elaborate. c) Throughout the book, various chapters allude to and discuss the term “hacker.” Based upon the readings, how did the term hacker come to include both criminal and non-criminal definitions? Elaborate and point to various aspects of the textbook to bolster this aspect of your response. d) How has the hacker community enabled piracy over the last two decades? Be specific. e) Finally, there is strong evidence that many people engage in digital piracy, making it one of the more prevalent forms of cybercrime. In your opinion, has the legislative responses to piracy curtailed the illegal pirating of movies, television shows, and music? Take a position either way and defend it. If you answered “yes,” please explain why you feel this way. If you answered “no,” please provide suggestions as to what else could be done to deter or punish pirates. Be sure to fully elaborate. 2.) a) First, discuss the reasons why an individual might respond to a spam regarding work at home. b) Next, discuss what demographic groups might be most susceptible to this form of fraud and why. c) Next, after reflecting upon Chapter Five, please select at least one of the four criminological theoretical perspectives and explain how this provides insight into offenders who engage in work at home scams. Be sure to fully elaborate. It must be evident that you have a clear understanding of both Chapter Four and Chapter Five. Please point to crucial aspects of the readings to support your response. d) Finally, in your opinion, is it likely that offenders who commit work at home scams to desist from these crimes. Why or why not? Elaborate. 3.) a) Consider the way that the Internet faciliates sexual deviance. First, explain the problems of obtaining reliable statistics on the prevalence of child pornography. b) Also, explain the COPINE Project and the implications of this framework. In your opinion, should the United States use a COPE framework or similar scale? Take a position either way and fully defend it. c) Next, what behaviors do the clients of sex workers reveal about their encounters when posting information in online review sites? d) And, how does access to erotic review websites potentially facilitate prostitution and paid sexual encounters. Be sure to fully elaborate. e) Finally, based upon what you have read, what, if anything, can be done in order to prevent individuals from using the internet as a tool to commit illegal sex crimes?