Forum 1 CRRJ303
I need support with this Law question so I can learn better.
This weeks reading provides overview of the changing boundaries of criminology, counting crime and measuring criminal behavior, and the schools of thought throughout history pertaining to the study of those that commit crime.
After reviewing the lesson and reading for week 1 (SEE ATTACHED) discuss the early history of criminal theory and its application to crime control i.e., Positivist School vs. Classical School, plus gender, class and race as they relate to crime.
discuss if racial profiling is justifiable? Ever? If the answer is yes, discuss how effective the profiling must be to remain justified? If the answer is no, do the events of 9/11 suggest a justification for other forms of ethnic profiling?
600 words. A minimum of two references need to be used in the development of your answer. Lesson/reading should be incorporated into response.