G202/PSY2420 Module 1 Written Assignment
Help me study for my Psychology class. Im stuck and dont understand.
In a 2-3 page paper, written in APA format and using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:
- Describe the ways in which abnormal behaviors differ from maladaptive behaviors.
- Explain why it’s important for a mental health practitioner to correctly differentiate between abnormal and maladaptive behaviors.
- Explain ways in which cultural and/or social norms may play a role when interpreting behaviors.
- Develop short behavioral profiles for two fictional individuals:
- the first should portray an individual who exhibits abnormal behaviors
- the second should be behave in a way that would be considered maladaptive
Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.
Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of Guides to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this assignment, the Writing Guide and APA Guide may both be helpful. Also consider submitting each assignment to the online Writing Lab for feedback on your draft prior to submitting it for grading. You will find links to these Guides as well as other writing resources and services on the Resources tab. |
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