[ORDER SOLUTION] Gender Digital Divide
As we consider representation in the online world, the course material refers to the idea that race and gender are done. Using only the content from Weeks/Modules 1, 2, and 3, argue points around all the following questions:How are race and gender “done”? [Develop your answer around how race is done through privilege and how gender is done through through the body].What does it mean to borrow privilege? How does one borrow privilege?How does the idea of “doing” limit the way we understand race and gender? What can be done to enrich the notion of “doing”Define all the terms that you use and develop your arguments as thoroughly as possible. Use your own words whenever possible. You are permitted to bring examples from outside of the class, but remember that you are being marked on your ability to articulate arguments around the course material. Examples are specific cases to prove your argument. T his Assignment will be written as a formal essay and must be submitted as a Word document or PDF. About 4 pages (Max. 5), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, standard margins. Do not go over the page limit. Additionally, include a works cited page. Make sure to number all pages. The works cited page does not count in the page length, but you can number it in sequence. Make sure to cite all material that you use. There is no title page needed. Please see the attached marking rubric for more details concerning how you will be evaluated.