[Get Solution]A policy Perspective
Step 8: Identify CountermeasuresNow that you have assessed your organizations vulnerability, you areready to identify possible countermeasures. Identify specificcountermeasures that will address the vulnerabilities/threats to yourorganization that you summarized in the previous step.Review best practices as well as any published mitigations for thespecific weaknesses identified. Include both cyber defenses and, asappropriate and legal in the United States, cyber offenses (cyberoffensives/warfare). Make sure to address key cybersecuritytechnologies, methodologies, standards, and legal compliance.Record the findings to be included in your upcoming white-paperresource for the final presentation.You will need to figure out the cost of your security solutions, and youwill do that in the next step.Step 9: Determine the Cost of Security SolutionsOnce you have identified possible countermeasures for yourorganization, you will need to determine their cost. Discuss the relativefinancial impact of these countermeasures, considering appropriatetechnology and policy changes to address cyberthreats at theenterprise, national, and international levels as a result of procurement,implementation, and maintenance. Also consider the policy andtechnology trade-offs at each level.Rank the countermeasures according to cost and effectiveness.Record your findings to be included in your upcoming white-paperresource for your final presentation.In the next step, you will be asked to consider how successful yourmitigations will be.Step 10: Assess the Potential Success of MitigationsNow that you have identified countermeasures and their costs, developan assessment of the likelihood of success of the mitigations whenimplemented as you prescribe. Criteria to be considered should includethe following:? ease of implementation (technically as well as from a policyperspective)? ease of adoption by the workforce? impact on ability to perform the organization's work (e.g., isproductivity affected are additional steps required that impedeworkflow?)? record of success of this mitigation on the same/similar weakness? cost (as a factor of the overall budget of the organization, e.g.,will significant trade-offs have to be made in order to invest in thissolution?)? leadership supportRecord the findings to be included in your upcoming white-paperresource for the final presentation.
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