[Get Solution]Argument and Persuasion
Directions: Write an essay of 750-1000 words using the technique of argument and persuasion. Your essay should include an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Be sure to include a thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction and a topic sentence to top each body paragraph. You are required to quote from at least one source provided below. Reminder: Essay grades drop one full letter grade for each day that they are submitted late. Topic: Write an essay that argues for or against the notion that college is overrated. Is college essentialis earning a college degree in most peoples best interest? Why or why not? In the body of your essay, you will be required to quote one of the assigned readings at least once to help support your position. Assigned Readings: Thinking too highly of higher ed by Peter Thiel (Links to an external site.) In defence of college: What Peter Thiel gets wrong, once again, by Vivek Wadhwa (Links to an external site.) The World Might Be Better Off Without College for Everyone, by Bryan Caplan (Links to an external site.) Essay Parts: INTRODUCTION: Stimulate the readers interest in the central point with your hook that leads up to the thesis. The thesis should 1) state the debatable issue on whether college is overrated or essential for most, 2) mention the specific position on the issue, and 3) WHY (claim + reason = complete thesis). BODY PARAGRAPHS: Each topic sentence provides a reason for the thesiss position and is backed up with evidence. Reasons and evidence are aimed at convincing the reader to think or act in a particular way. Quote or paraphrase, using correct MLA format, one or more of the authors from the assigned readings one to three times total in your essay. Use the “Sandwich” Preview the document method. If it would help convince the reader, mention important reasons against the thesis position and make them less compelling. Consider noting what would happen if this position were or were not adopted. Avoid name-calling and expressions like most people believe or I think or in my opinion. Supporting details are arranged in an emphatic or other logical order. CONCLUSION: Close the essay with a consequence- and solution-oriented conclusion that closes the essay in a satisfying way and hammers home the argument. This assignment will be automatically submitted to TurnItInRemember, no need to register or log in to TurnItIn.com on your own. This tool is embedded into our course and when you submit your essay, it will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn. For this assignment, please use your own words, only use the provided sources, and aim for a TurnItIn similarity score of 0% minus direct quotes.
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