[Get Solution]Coronavirus Data
Please answer the following questions. Include any R-script that you may have used to justify your answers, and discuss your methodology on how you found your information.1) Based on what we learned in Module 2, import the csv file from the following URL. This is a file of the coronavirus data within the US territory recorded on January 1, 2021, by Johns Hopkins University.https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/raw/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports_us/01-01-2021.csvUse the functions from the dplyr package to filter out the observations of states names that start with M. What is the mean number of Recovered patients from this subset?2) From the same subset of states that start with M, create a new variable named Ratio, which is the value of Active cases divided by Confirmed cases. What is the maximum value of Ratio in this subset?
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