[Get Solution]Cybersecurity Threats
Step 14: Submit the PresentationYou now have the information needed to develop the slide presentationthat John requested for senior management. The presentation shouldclearly explain current known weaknesses in your organizationssecurity (to include people, technology, and policy) that could result insuccessful exploitation of known vulnerabilities and/or threatsDevelop a narrated slide presentation of 16 to 20 slides that concludeswith the recommended way forward (e.g., continue to accept risks,accept some risks (identify them), mitigate some risks (identify them),mitigate all risks, etc.).Submit your presentation for review when complete.Check Your Evaluation CriteriaBefore you submit your assignment, review the competencies below,which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practicewould be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you haveincorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click MyTools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then clickthe project title.? 5.2: Examine architectural methodologies and components usedin the design and development of information systems.? 6.2: Create an information security program and strategy, andmaintain alignment of the two.? 7.2: Evaluate international cybersecurity policy.? 7.3: Evaluate enterprise cybersecurity policy.? 8.2: Evaluate specific cybersecurity threats and the combinationof technologies and policies that can address them.Submission for Cybersecurity RecommendationsPresentation
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