[Get Solution]Data Set
Data File Description [one paragraph]1) Describe the context of the data set. Cite a previous description if the same data set is used from a previous assignment. To increase the formal tone of the DAA, avoid first-person perspective I. For example, do not write, I ran a scatter plot shown in Figure 1. Instead, write, Figure 1 shows All paragraphs are indented. Your paragraphs will not be numbered as these are in the template.2) Specify the variables used in this DAA and the scale of measurement of each variable.3) Specify sample size (N).Testing Assumptions [multiple paragraphs]1) Articulate the assumptions of the statistical test.2) Paste SPSS output that tests those assumptions and interpret them. Properly embed SPSS output where appropriate. Do not string all output together at the beginning of the section. In other words, interpretations of figures and tables should be near (i.e., immediately above or below) where the output appears. Format figures and tables per APA (6th edition) style and formatting rules. Refer to the following examples on the next page.Figure 1. Scatter plot of IQ scores and ADDSC scores taken from a Howell (2011) data set.Figure 1 above shows the negative linear relationship between Table 1 below shows the intercorrelations, means, and standard deviations of Table 1Intercorrelations, Means, and Standard Deviations for Scores on IQ, ADDSC, and GPA______________________________________________________________________________Measure 1 2 3 M SD______________________________________________________________________________1. IQ — 100.26 12.992. ADDSC -.63** — 52.60 12.423. GPA .50** -.62** — 2.46 .86______________________________________________________________________________Note. Intercorrelations taken from a Howell (2011) data set (N = 88). **p < .01.3) Summarize whether or not the assumptions are met. If assumptions are not met, discuss how to ameliorate violations of the assumptions.Research Question, Hypotheses, and Alpha Level [one paragraph]1) Articulate a research question (or questions) relevant to the statistical test.2) Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the research question(s).3) Specify the alpha level.Interpretation [multiple paragraphs]1) Paste SPSS output for an inferential statistic and report it. Properly embed SPSS output where appropriate. Do not string all output together at the beginning of the section. In other words, interpretations of figures and tables should be near (i.e., immediately above or below) where the output appears. Format figures and tables per APA formatting rules.2) Report the test statistics. Refer to Warner (2013) Results examples at the end of the appropriate chapter for guidance.3) Interpret statistical results against the null hypothesis.Conclusion [two paragraphs]1) Provide a brief summary (i.e., one paragraph) of the DAA conclusions.2) Analyze strengths and limitations of the statistical test.ReferencesHowell, D. C. (2011). Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.1) Provide references if you include in-text citations. Do not cite Capella course materials (e.g., instructor notes, handouts, class announcements, and so on). Only cite primary and secondary sources (e.g., textbooks and empirical journal articles). Be sure that your reference page remains on a separate page. So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.