[Get Solution]Developing Sustainable Tourism
Research ProjectOverviewThis is an independent research project. You are supposed to select a region in Asia and an issue thatis of particular importance to that region (and of interest to you). You are required to research theissue and write a research paper of approximately 7-15 pages that discusses the nature, origin, andoutlook for that issue. You may consult the instructor for possible research topics or/and talk to alibrarian for useful academic references.ObjectivesThe objectives of this research project are threefold: 1) to encourage you to explore, in some depth,geographic issues in a region of Asia; 2) to help you develop some basic research skills (e.g. dataacquisition, library searching, etc.); 3) to help you develop your written communication skills.Project ScheduleFeb. 16: project guideline providedMay 7: research paper due. Please submit it on Canvas by 11:55 pm.May 14: virtual research presentation. Please post your PowerPoint presentation on the VirtualResearch Presentation Forum by 11:55 pm.WorthThe research paper is worth 12% of your course grade, and virtual presentation is worth 5% of yourgrade.What to include in your paper?In your research paper you should firstly introduce the region of your study (e.g. where is it, what is itlike, who lives there, etc.) Then you need to analyze the nature of the issue, describe the research dataand methods (if any), characterize geographic patterns discovered, provide possible explanations forthe observed patterns, and discuss the future outlook or policy implication of the issue. In otherwords, in addition to describing what the issue is, and what its impact is on the region, you need to2think about and discuss when and why the issue arose in the first place, and what is likely to happenin the future (i.e. worsen or improve?).You can find a short list of possible topics on pages 2-3, which you are free to do, but there arehundreds of other possible issues as well.ReferenceYou are required to consult sources such as books or journal articles. You should make reference toat least one academic source other than the textbook. You must clearly cite any sources you use.The referencing system you use is up to you (e.g. APA citation style or MLA citation style), but itmust be consistent, and the reader must be able to determine exactly where you got the material from.Students may ask a librarian for useful academic sources (a 24/7 online reference assistance service isavailable at: http://library.fullerton.edu/services/ask.php).Formatting RequirementsYour research paper should be of about 7-15 pages in length (including the title page andbibliography but excluding tables, figures and maps). You may place all your tables and maps afterthe text and bibliography. If you have multiple tables and/or maps, they should be clearly numbered(e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Your paper should be typed and double-spaced in 12 point font with oneinch margins. You should include a title page which clearly indicates the course code (GEOG 340)the title of your research project, as well as your name and student ID.Virtual Research PresentationStudents are supposed to do a virtual presentation by posting a PowerPoint (5-8 slides in total) ondiscussion board. In PowerPoint students may show their main research findings and share interestingfacts and pictures about the issues studied. The first slide of the PowerPoint should contain studentname and title of research, and the last slide should contain the major references used. Be creative inmaking your virtual presentation!Possible TopicsPlease note that the topics below are only some suggestions to get you going. There are a lot of otherpossibilities and you can choose anything that interests you. Make sure it relates to a specific region.1) The socioeconomic consequences of population aging in Japan2) Chinas One-child Policyhttp://library.fullerton.edu/services/ask.php33) Developing sustainable tourism in Thailand4) Population growth in Bangladesh5) Ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka6) The rise of Pearl River Delta7) Gender discrimination in South Asia8) China and India the population super giants9) Major languages in Pakistan10) Chinese Feng Shui and its manifestation in landscape11) Special economic zones in Thailand12) The impact of the Olympics on China13) Religions in India14) The development of Hsinchu – Taiwan’s Silicon Valley15) Tsunami impact on aquaculture in Indonesia16) The White Revolution in India17) Entertainer immigrants in Japan18) Urban development in Manila19) Environmental transformation in newly industrializing countries of East & Southeast Asia20) Bollywood and its film industry21) Deforestation in Malaysia22) Ancient civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro23) Sustainable agriculture in Monsoon AsiaPlease feel free to share your research topics or research ideas on the Research Topic Sharing Forum.
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