[Get Solution]Development of Technology
1. The remarkable development of technology provides comfort to us. As technology developed, there were many platforms that helped the population. We can watch television anywhere, anytime. There is a lot of information and knowledge that we can get through watching television, but there is also something that we lose from it. Although technology has brought convenience to people, it also has influenced obesity negatively. The further technology improves, peoples health suffers through obesity. Technologys convenience is the key that affects children and adult obesity. Technology allows people to obtain whatever he or she wants on demand. With all these applications that allow people to get whatever they want or need with a touch from the screen, people naturally got lazier over time.The daily television viewing time for American children and adults. On average, children ages 8-12 in the United States spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours. And Estimates suggest that in 2020 U.S. adults will spend an average of two hours and 46 minutes watching TV each day. Children and adolescents spend a lot of time watching screens, including smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, TVs, and computers. Watching television is the third most time-consuming activity after sleep and work. Also, while people watch TV, physical activity tends to be minimal and snacking is prevalent. Our activity ceases and time for exercise is reduced significantly.Television may not be the biggest factor that correlates to increase in obesity, but it does play a part. Obesity is not just being overweight, it potentially comes with different health problems for the future.2. “I knew this whale had died due to plastic ingestion,” Marine biologist Blatchley said when he saw a young fifteen-foot-long whale floating on the water. The autopsy revealed how the whale died. More than eighty eight pounds of plastic rubbish, such as plastic bags and rice sacks, were found in the stomach of the whale. It was not the only case that plastic garbage caused the death of a whale. Throughout the years, D’ Bone Collector Museum has found fifty seven marine mammals that died from consuming plastic waste. Plastics are an indispensable material in humans modern life, variously used from packaging to transportation, due to its ease of production and durability. However, production and management of plastics are now out of our control. Not only ingestion of waste from animals, plastic waste has shown to cause multiple problems, such as threatening human health and the ecosystem. Now, urgent action is needed. All the countries in the world should decrease their plastic production through regulations that decrease the amount of plastic production and of plastic waste dumped into nature.Plastics are not biodegradable but a number of countries keep producing plastic without any appropriate plan to get rid of plastics and just dump out waste, causing contamination of the ecosystem. The definition of biodegradable is an ability to be decomposed by living organisms such as fungi and bacteria. If a material is non-biodegradable, it remains and may pollute an environment. Plastic is one of the most known, used non-biodegradable materials. Many scientists have tried to find a way to decompose plastics completely and have almost found a way by incorporating them with organic compounds but plastic itself at a molecular level still remains in the environment (Biodegradable Substances 553). In a landfill, plastics may have multiple negative effects on soil, such as blocking waterways and causing environmental pollution, especially when plastics are not filtered in composts (Esan, Ebenezer Oluwaseun, et al e0214376). By 2015, roughly 6300 metric tons, which is equivalent to 14,000,000 pounds, of plastics have been made and only nine percent was recycled, twelve percent was burned and the rest of it is predicted to be in landfills or in a nature (Geyer, Roland, et al). Now, the size and mass of plastic rubbish floating in the Pacific Ocean is approximately the same size of Mongolia. Additionally, the World Economic Forum has predicted that the amount of plastic waste would outweigh the amount of fish in the ocean by 2050 (Plastic waste). As series of evidence has shown, the amount of plastic waste is difficult to overlook and will stack up quickly without proper plans to remove plastics. If littering of plastic continues, the earth will be completely covered with plastic waste.3. With many ideas and with courage I have decided that the topic I’ll write about is LGBTQ+ rights. This topic is important to me, because not only does it represent me but others as well. It’s a topic that is very sensitive to many people who dont agree with this lifestyle. I have struggled in the past and I am still struggling to find out who I am. This essay will take part in helping me express some part of me that I would like to share.There were many topics that I would have chosen to avoid this one such as the current pandemic, Black lives matter and much more. Writing about the pandemic is a difficult but exciting topic to write because its new. It’s difficult because it doesn’t have enough resources to make a two page paper but itll make an amazing cliffhanger. After thinking of many topics that I could have chosen I realized that if I were to write about any topic I wouldnt be writing it with passion. The reason I chose Lgbtq rights is because although we are more flexible than we were centuries back we still face discrimination.
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