[Get Solution]Disseminating Results
· How has your understanding of the national health-promotion and disease-prevention issue and your selected problem and target population developed over the past several weeks? How has your perception changed, if at all? · Critically evaluate the pros and cons of the program you have designed. Based on what you have learned in this course, as well as your professional experiences, do you think your program would address the problem for the target population? Would the benefits outweigh the costs? · Examine the ethical implications of the program you have designed. What questions, concerns, and/or insights do you have? · As a nurse engaged in advance practice, which venues would be viable for disseminating the results of your program design and evaluation? What audience would be most interested in these findings? Identify at least one professional journal to which you could publish the results of your program design and evaluation, as well as at least one other venue for disseminating results.
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