[Get Solution]Educational Behavior
Educational Behavior: Expectations and Ethics In Fall 2010, a management professor at the University of Central Florida uncovered a widespread cheating scandal on an exam. The students involved were nearing the end of their collegiate years. For a brief synopsis, see: https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-2010-11-21-os-ucf-cheating-online-20101121- story.html A more recent article starts out with the following paragraph: The ethics behind our higher education system are eroding: 86 percent of college students admit to cheating; 97 percent claim theyve never been found out; and 72 percent say theyve used personal technology devices, such as a phone, tablet or computer, to cheat. The whole article, which discusses a college honor code, can be found at https://www.realcleareducation.com/articles/2017/10/31/the_case_for_a_college_honor_code_11022 0.html REQUIRED: Prepare a (typed) two to three-page paper that addresses ethics in the classroom. Include verifiable citations for any resources you may use. Part of the paper may include items you would expect to find in a student code of conduct. You may want to define select terms, such as cheating and ethics. In accounting, ethics are a continuing responsibility for employees/CPAs at all levels. Does cheating in the classroom have anything to do with ethics? What are the ethical responsibilities of individuals who are students? How does having a clear understanding of such responsibilities enhance the education of students? How does having a clear understanding of these responsibilities aid the student if ethical dilemmas are encountered?
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