[Get Solution]Flexibility
At least 3 paragraphs Thank you! Directions: For this assignment, you will be required to participate in a group round table (it is preferred you turn-on your video camera during the conference) with other students who were randomly assigned by CANVAS to your group (you can find this under the People tab). Once you have determined who has been assigned to your group, please complete the following steps: Email the group members and schedule the round table with the other group member When setting-up your conference please ensure to include the name of each participant within the conference title. Directions for setting up a conference can be found by opening this link: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12687-415241306 (Links to an external site.) For the conference, please discuss: how flexible help employees and/or organizations work-life integration? identify what is flextime and outline how you are managing or would manage a flextime schedule? how has COVID-19 affected telework for your organization and other organizations across the United States? identify ways that organizations can utilize technology to promote flexibility and work-life balance into the workplace? Open discussion on topic. The round table should last a minimum of 10 minutes per team member and needs to be recorded. Please send an email to your instructor outlining the conference is complete and who participated. The group must combine notes and have one team member upload the combined notes from the round table. For more information on Flexibility read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stiffness#Compliance
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