[Get Solution]George Floyd Protest
Length: 5-7 pages (1 page questions, 4-6 pages report/analysis) Must be uploaded as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf For this paper, you will be engaging in a short oral history project involving data collection, analysis and presentation. Each student will choose a particular event in African-American history (or American history that is relevant to the African-American experience) between 1920 and 2020 that is particularly memorable. Choosing an obscure topic can often result in a more fascinating, and paradoxically, easier-to-write paper. But the pandemic and the George Floyd protests are current, massively important events for this course, and students are encouraged to use those as topics if they wish. a) Define the event (or series of events, or period) b) Find individuals living during the period who remember the event c) Determine what questions should be asked of those individuals about the event d) Pool the data and questions about the event collected and present it in a short analytical report using outside sources. You should interview no fewer than two people about the event, and you should attempt to have your subjects be as diverse as possible. I will leave the choice of subjects up to you. Interviews need not be in person, and can be done over email, phone, etc. Follow-up interviews may be necessary to clarify certain points raised in the initial interview, and which come up during creation of the paper. The questions need not be complex, but each interviewer must have a historical knowledge of the event such that they know how to talk about the event, they know how to listen to the subject concerning the event, and perhaps know how to respond with follow-up questions that may not be on the group’s prepared list of questions.
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