[Get Solution]Histroy Project
Choose one memorial or artwork (poem, novel, play, musical or visual artwork, etc.) that addresses asubject of historical violence and analyze its approach to historical memory using the lenses of thecourse material. A list of suggested topics is provided below; you are also welcome to select a topic ofyour own, in consultation with the instructor. Alternatively, you may create an artwork of your own thataddresses issues of historical memory, accompanied by an artist statement. Both options will requireyou to explicitly discuss at least two texts from the course.GuidelinesPapers should be approximately 2500 words. Be sure to cite any external resources used inyour research. The approach and organization of the paper is up to you, but you should include someof the following:description of the work (form, materials, location, etc.)background of the work (artist(s), contemporaneous events to which it responds, controversy itgenerated)analysis of the workexplanation of the texts that you’re citing (author, genre, context, etc.) and concepts that you’re using(e.g. postmemory) in your analysisThese elements should be integrated into a cohesive line of inquiry that centers your intellectual voice!Possible topics
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