[Get Solution]Mycobacterium Leprae
Bio 260 Microbiology Pathogen Goal Become adept at gathering and presenting information in the field of microbiology Project Profile your assigned microbial pathogens or family of pathogens. Create an informative written report. The report will be submitted over Canvas. The profile should include · Microbe identity Genus and species, gram (+) or (-), growth patterns, etc. · Microbe location Geographical specifics (ex. Malaria is found in warm, wet regions near the equator), common places in environments (ex. Helicobacter pylori is found in the stomach) · Pathogen mechanisms Is this a pathogen? How? · Medical treatment How do we fight this pathogen? · Anything else interesting? History? How can we study it? Does it grow on certain differential media? How would you stain it? Report · 2000 words (single space size 12 times new roman font) report profiling your microbe. Word count does not include a bibliography. No quotations allowed. · Report should contain all the info the talk does and more detail on what makes your microbe special. · Report should be informative and in the style of Wikipedia articles. There should be no personal reflections. · References must be incorporated into the text so that it is clear what each reference refers to. · References must be present for every sentence which is not common knowledge. This means most sentences. Content Requirements and Grading Rubric Report Content Below are suggestions regarding the content of your report. · History of microbe · Description of microbe · Description of pathogen mode of action and medical treatments available · Impact of the pathogen in the environment/world · Other things you find interesting (this will depend heavily on your microbe) References References should be done in MLA or APA style with a complete bibliography on a separate slide. In-text references should be a superscript number (1) with references numbered in the order in which they appear (2). Some statements may be referenced in more than one source (1,2). Anything not common knowledge should be cited. For this course, you may consider anything we have discussed in class to be common knowledge. Scientific sources can be found on PubMed or Google Scholar. Look for the lesson on scientific literacy later this quarter! 1 First reference 2 Second reference A handy website for creating a bibliography – http://www.easybib.com/ Advanced (5 points) Developing (3 points) Emerging (1 point) Report Content (60%) Score weight: 3x Complete coverage of topics relevant to your microbe. Partial coverage with at least some sections very light on detail or missing. Large gaps or extremely light detail with respect to the microbes. Formatting (20%) Score weight: 1x The report is free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. The report is size 12 times new roman font. Minor grammar or spelling mistakes may be present. Major grammatical or spelling errors that obscure the meaning of key portions of the report which are exceedingly difficult for the audience to comprehend. Citations (20%) Score weight: 1x A minimum of 5 scientific citations are included for the report. Citations are included but maybe too few or from non-scientific sources. Citations are absent or from non-scientific sources. Example Kim showed Advanced skills in her report but received developing scores for her formatting. She, unfortunately, forgot to include her references and received an emerging score. Report Content 5 x 3 = 15 Formatting 3 x 1 = 3 Citations 1 x 1 = 1 Total 15+3+1 = 19/25 = 76%
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