[Get Solution]Post-WWII World
The second, major portion of the take-home final is worth 18 pts (18%) of your final grade, and it will ask you to choose one of three questions dealing with either environmentalism, human rights or globalization, and develop an answer in a common framework that includes: 1. (~400 words) explain how (environmental movements/human rights campaigns/global institutions) developed out of events in WW2 2. (~400 words) explore how (env/hr/glob inst) responded to or were challenged by the politics of development, great acceleration, or innovations of the 1950s to 1970s. 3. (~200 words) conclude by reflecting on which of these (env/hr/glob inst) events were most significant, having lasting impacts on the world today. Contrasted with an in-class bluebook final, a take-home final allows you more time to explore the lectures and especially the readings. Roughly the same grading rubric used for Paper 2 will be used to evaluate your take-home exam per each of the three sections in this take-home essay: 75% – Pass: response uses key terms and evidence from one lecture, but it lacks depth with extended evidence from readings. 85% – Strong Pass: response uses key terms and evidence from one or two lectures, some citations from readings including a few, originally researched (not discussed in lecture) points; but mainly it follows the key points and cited readings outlined in the lecture. 100% – Excellent: responses use key terms well, ties in arguments or evidence from multiple lectures, but also shows a deep engagement with the readings, bringing in additional evidence not previously discussed. Creative, thoughtful response with a topic sentence that outlines the sections’ main and sub-arguments.
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