[Get Solution]Risk management and worker Protections
In this presentation you have to do the following: 1) Read (ch13) I uploaded it, then apply and match the points I will point out down here with (Wegmans) grocery store 2) I want you to deliver 4 slides with notes about what to say to explain the first two points which are – Safety and Health Regulations which has 4 more subtitles under it. – Occupational Saftey and health Act which has 4 subtitles under it. 3) I want you to read Rubric I uploaded CONTENT 1.Concise presentation of main idea ……………………… 2.Good grasp of supporting evidence …………………….. 3.Related article to course/chapter topics ……………… 4.Critical analysis: identify faulty logic, data issues, conflict of interest, weak arguments, etc……. 5.Provide effect of bias (#4) ………………………………….. NOTE: ( I want to indicate in the notes when to read the bullets from the slide then when I read from the notes to explain the point that I just read from the slide.
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