[Get Solution]Safety and Policing
It is really important that you write a LOT for each of these questions. I am not interested in short one or two sentence answers. (except for Q1) I really want you to go deep and really think about the questions. You should strive for 2 big paragraphs for each question. If you don’t live in Hayward, you can either answer the questions for your own city, OR if you have spent enough time in Hayward to have opinions about these questions, you can answer them in regards to Hayward. What are three words you would use to describe the feeling of being safe in Hayward? What song encapsulates living in Hayward? Why did you pick this song? How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood? Why? What about driving or taking public transit? What about shopping? Compared to Hayward as a whole, does your neighborhood feel more or less safe? Why? When you have felt unsafe, have you ever reached out to someone from a Hayward government for help, like police, fire, code enforcement, or a school principal? If so, what was the topic(s)? If not, why not? Most of the time, we think of safety as relating to violence. What other factors in your life make you feel unsafe or fearful? Examples could include housing, food, employment, healthcare, climate, racism, or isolation. We want every community member in Hayward to feel safe in their community. As we discuss and work on these issues, what strategies can we use for everyone to feel safe and fully participate? Do you think policing is done safely in Hayward? Why or why not? When you envision a Hayward where everyone feels safe, what does it look like? In your vision, what role does law enforcement play? When you think about safety broadly, what solutions should we prioritize first? Is there anything else you would like to add?
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