[Get Solution]Threat Actors
Step 6: Examine and Identify Known AttributesAttribution is often difficult, if not impossible, to identify. One reason isthe anonymity afforded by the internet. Another reason is the potentialsophistication of malicious state actors and nonstate actors who arable to disguise themselves and/or exploit an innocent and oftenunknowing computer user to achieve their goals.Attribution is desired because knowing who is behind an exploit canprovide insight into the motivations, intentions, and capabilities ofthreat actors. Understanding attack vectors used by threat actorsprovides key insights that help to build stronger defenses and constructbetter policy management.To complete your vulnerability assessment, you will need to first do thefollowing:? From the attack vectors identified in the previous step, determineif attribution is known for the threat actor (e.g., name of nationstate, nonstate and/or hackers and threat actors) most likelyinvolved in exploiting each weakness.? Categorize the threat actor(s) based on attribution for previousexploits, likely targets, and rationale(s) for targeting/exploitation(e.g., profit, political statements, extortion, etc.).In the next step, you will compile your findings from the past few stepson a spreadsheet.Step 7: Submit a Vulnerability Assessment SpreadsheetFrom the results of Steps 4, 5, and 6, develop and submit aspreadsheet that includes the following:? characterization of current and emerging vulnerabilities andthreats? identification of the attack vector(s) employed against each? your assessment (high, medium, or low) of the impact thevulnerability could have on your organizationMake sure to address security architectures, including components,specifications, guidelines, standards, technologies, etc. Also considerinternational threats and attack vectors. This assessment will beincluded in your final presentation.Submission for Vulnerability AssessmentPrevious submissions0Drop files here, or click below.Add FilesIn the next step, you will consider ways to address the vulnerabilitiesand threats identified.
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