[Get Solution]White Papers
White papers present a single idea with policy recommendations. For example, a white paper on privacy and the Internet of Things might present a set of recommendations for advancing privacy in the design of apps, but WOULD NOT simply review the research. White papers present a POV (Point of View) on a topic, along with relevant research. They are useable documents with purpose, not simple research pieces. White papers should be 5-7 pages, 1.5 spaced, in Arial format with 1 margins all around. All citations should be presented in APA style. Endnotes will not count toward page length. The white paper project will be worth 100 points in total. My White Paper topic is based on “How much of our data is really private? I feel as though the average social media user is very unaware of how much of their data is really private? For more information on White Papers read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_paper
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