[Get Solution]Writing Experience
Journal 4: Respond, with 200-600 words, to the following prompt: Reflect on your progress so far on your first project (that is, your rhetorical analysis of past writing experience). It may help to consider some or all of the following questions as you respond to this prompt: What have you written, thought about, taken notes on, or otherwise done toward completing (or starting) this project? What ideas do you have about this project? What previous writing experience have you chosen to write about? Why have you chosen this experience? If you havent chosen an experience yet (which is completely fine at this point), what options have you so far considered? What makes these options attractive or unattractive to you? What struggles are you having in these early stages of this project? Include the total word count of your response with your entry. Include only your response, and not the prompt itself, in your word count. Rubric: Journal entries can receive up to 10 points: Word Count (8 points possible) – Entries that meet the expected word count will receive the full 8 points. Entries shorter than that will receive partial credit according to the proportion of the word count met. Content (2 points possible) Entries that are on-topic and demonstrate a thoughtful and complete response will receive 2 points. Entries that are on-topic but demonstrate a vague or incomplete response will receive 1 point. Off-topic responses will receive 0 points. Journal 5:Respond, with 200-600 words, to the following prompt: Revisit your thoughts about rhetoric in this journal entry. (You may choose, if you wish, to revisit what you wrote for your third journal entry and to consider how your response to that prompt may have changed since you wrote it.) It may help to consider the following or similar questions as you respond to this prompt: What new ideas about rhetoric have you learned? What do you understand about rhetorical ecologies and situations? How, if at all, does or could your knowledge about these concepts influence how you respond to rhetorical situations in the future? What elements of rhetoric remain difficult for you to grasp? Include the total word count of your response with your entry. Include only your response, and not the prompt itself, in your word count. Rubric: Journal entries can receive up to 10 points: Word Count (8 points possible) – Entries that meet the expected word count will receive the full 8 points. Entries shorter than that will receive partial credit according to the proportion of the word count met. Content (2 points possible) Entries that are on-topic and demonstrate a thoughtful and complete response will receive 2 points. Entries that are on-topic but demonstrate a vague or incomplete response will receive 1 point. Off-topic responses will receive 0 points.
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