Glengarry Glen Ross
Write an essay on Glengarry Glen Ross. Your essay should not be merely a description of the text you are writing about, or of its plot. (In other words, it should not be a book report.) Rather, your essay should revolve around a central thesis, or argument that you are making about the text. Your thesis should be a combination of description and analysis; in other words, your thesis must not only describe what is portrayed in the text, but state what you see as the significance of this portrayal what it can teach us, what we can learn from it, why it matters. And you must support your central argument and main points with textual evidence — specific examples from the text consisting of both summary and direct quotations. See the Essay Writing Handout and Sample Essay for more information. Your essay should be written in MLA format. It should be 3-5 pages long, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, with one inch margins on all sides of the page. Do not include a separate title page. Instead, put your name, my name, the course title, and the date in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Then center the title of your essay below this information with no extra spaces above or below it. (Do not underline, italicize or bold your title, or put it in a different font.) Create a header at the top right-hand corner of each page of your essay that contains your last name followed by the page number.