Global Internet Ecosystem
Global Internet Ecosystem
Based on your review of the PowerPoint, lecture materials, and sources from the Internet write an essay answering the following questions (4-5 single-spaced pages, 12 fonts, and word document). 1) When was the global Internet born and how is the Internet defined?
Describe the time-line of the growth of the global Internet system; 2) What is the meaning of the Internet eco-system? Cut, paste, and describe the two charts included in the PowerPoint on the global Internet Ecosystem; and 3) Describe from the second chart, the different components of the technical layer of the global Internet ecosystem focusing particularly on the naming community (ICAAN).
Based on your review of the PowerPoint, lecture materials, and sources from the Internet write an essay answering the following questions (4-5 single-spaced pages, 12 fonts, and word document).
1) When was the global Internet born and how is the Internet defined? Describe the time-line of the growth of the global Internet system;
2) What is the meaning of the Internet ecosystem? Cut, paste, and describe the two charts included in the PowerPoint on the Internet Ecosystem; and
3) Describe from the second chart, the different components of the technical layer of the globalInternet ecosystem focusing particularly on the naming community (ICAAN).