God Under Fire
A journal on a reading on eitherGod Under Fire by Huffman and JohnsonBegin with the first page written by the author and conclude with the last page written by the author.Make one entry every two-three pages of the book. Every entry has to include a quote and a response/note to that quote. The page number for each quote has to be included at the end of the quote. The quote should be followed with two to three lines of interaction. Page numbers should be listed on the side or above the journal entry. Entries without page numbers cannot receive higher than a 65. Similarly, entries without interaction cannot receive higher than a 65.A note of some type (interactive or reference) would need to be entered for each two to three pages read.Not being graded on the perspective of your personal reflection but on the effort exhibited.Need thought-provoking journal comment that demonstrate read and interacted with the book.