Harry Potter Themed Paper
You will write two papers in this course. The first paper should be 500-600 words, typed, double-spaced, and in MLA format (check online for headings, conventions, etc.). In it, you should address the following: What aspect of Harry Potter appeals to you? You should use at least two sources to support your discussion of Rowling’s work and document your research in MLA format. Your paper should have a thesis statement that explains what the main points, some paragraphs that link to one another, and a conclusion that sum everything up. Your sources should be cited in MLA format and should not be one of the seven novels. Use the HCC database to find relevant sources to your discussion. For example, if you enjoy the depiction of friendship in Harry Potter, find a source with critical discussion of the relationships between friends in the story. If you like what Harry Potter teaches about bullying, find a source that addresses bullying and Harry Potter. The goal is to show me how you integrate sources into your discussion. You may use first person for this essay. I will be evaluating this paper about Harry Potter against the outcomes outlined here. I will keep track of grades by the entire class (6 A papers, 7 B papers, etc.) and turn in my class evaluation, but you will not receive a specific letter grade from me. You must turn in a paper in order to pass this course.