[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Care Management
APA Format Research Paper & Presentation This course requires completion of an APA style issues paper that describes four challenges faced by health care managers. An audio enhanced slide presentation summarizing the final paper is required. The final paper requires students to complete an analysis of one of the following issues impacting health care management: Impact of politics on health care management and delivery All answers must include at least 1 APA 6th edition style in-text citation. All in-text citations must be included on your reference page. For the topic you select you must answer each of the following questions Describe why this issue is important cite statistics and/or previous research (APA 6th ed citation required) How does this impact the health care managers daily responsibilities? (APA 6th ed citation required)? Describe actions a health care manager can take to address this issue. (APA 6th ed citation required) In total you must cite three unique academic sources not newspaper articles or personal websites. Sources must include authors and publication date. Acceptable sources include: Professional, academic and research journals Organizational and government websites Books Except the textbook for the course An APA 6th ed. Formatted reference list is required You may submit one draft of both the paper and presentation. If you submit a draft you will receive feedback on your paper from the instructor. If you do not submit a draft you will not have the opportunity to revise your paper. Format: Uploaded as a Microsoft Word document by due date Upload PowerPoint slide presentation by due date Both the paper and presentation must be: Free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors Each answer must be at least 10 complete sentences Double-spaced In paper each answer must be preceded by the question being addressed PowerPoint must consist of between 6 and 10 slides and include clear headers for each answer and include audio narrative