[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Insurance
Using the information covered in this lesson, create a timeline or table that depicts the characteristics of healthcare regarding physicians, hospitals and government in the Preindustrial, Postindustrial and Corporate eras. You may use PowerPoint, Word, or another tool to create your timeline. Then, write one paragraph (at least 4-5 sentences) answering the questions below. Using the information you researched and information located in the textbook explain how health care is different today than in previous eras. (3 points) Identify 3 primary factors which created the need for health insurance and describe the reasons why health insurance was needed at the time it was created. (4 points) Which segments of our population are provided for by Medicare and Medicaid? Briefly explain why it became necessary to accommodate these populations during the Postindustrial Era. (4 points) Explain how the factors/characteristics you described in your timeline impact the current era and future eras. (4 points)