Heineken Company
Students will be individually responsible for submitting two case analyses throughout the semester, each contributing to 5% of the overall grade. All assigned cases can be found in the later part of the textbook.Analysis of a case will involve responses to the set of questions on that case, as follows (please modify accordingly if doing other cases than those indicated in the schedule):Topic is HeinekenEvaluate Heinekens corporate-level and international strategy using concepts and tools from the course. How has entry into new product and geographical markets created value for the company? What are some problems with its diversified global operations and how can these be addressed? Case analyses should be written in standard essay format, that is, Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and should not exceed three pages of material. These assignments should be submitted through designated links provided on BB before the start of the class on the day the case is assigned for discussion, according to the schedule below.