Herpes Viruses
MICROBIOLOGY TERM PROJECT From the list of microbes on the microbes selection attachment, select the organism of your choosing — this is on a first-come first-served basis!!!!! Send me an email which should contain: The project is in 2 parts: 1] You should write a review paper MINIMUM of 5 pages font size 11 and single spacing [this doesnt include the title page and reference pages or any diagrams, pictures, etc], describing your microbe[s]. Your paper should consist of: TITLE – ABSTRACT MAIN PAPER [INTRODUCTION] – REFERENCES The main part of the paper can be sub-divided see the attached review paper as a reference. This should be a general review of all aspects of your microbe[s]. This should include a list of references [peer reviewed articles] NO WIKIPEDIA NO TEXTBOOKS NO QUOTES – NO WEBSITES [unless using statistics from CDC or WHO]. For a good grade this should be of publishable quality – references should include links to complete papers that I can access – if you do not have a link to a paper on the web then you should have a hard copy of the paper and should hand them in with your completed paper – for every link that I cant access there will be a deduction of points – there should only be links to published papers or “official” websites e.g. CDC – there should be no links to general websites AND DEFINITELY NO WIKIPEDIA – ANY COPIED WORK [including taking a sentence and changing a word here and there] WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF “F” – COPIED WORK WILL ALSO BE SENT TO THE ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE The essay should be sent as an email attachment to me AND posted to the dropbox in the D2L class site by midnight SUNDAY DECEMBER 6TH. Essay 70 points Presentation 30 points THIS MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK AND MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS ONLY ANYTHING COPIED WILL RESULT IN A ZERO GRADE!!!!!!!!! For your paper the final written paper should be your own work no exceptions!!!!! As you go through papers trying to decide which one to cover study the style of writing Science [Biology] writing is not the same as writing an essay for the English Dept. We dont use I us we We dont use quotes even if they are cited in the references The final paper should not include references to your textbook NO WIKIPEDIA NO WEBSITES. The paper will be posted to the class dropbox AND emailed to me by the deadline any copying of text will result in a grade of zero it may also result in being reported to the Academic Standards Committee THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AS A LINK [OR A REFERENCE] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_transduction THIS IS ALSO NOT ACCEPTABLE AS A LINK http://themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/mechanisms-of-cellular-signal-transduction/ THIS IS A GOOD LINK https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4340667/pdf/nihms664375.pdf GOOD SITES TO TRY TO FIND PAPERS ARE PUBMED AND GOOGLE SCHOLAR https://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en&as_sdt=0,10&as_ylo=2008 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ You can set them to refine your search e.g. set the time limit, only have your theme word[s] in the title, etc.