Homelessness and Trauma
Research ReportThe source need to be from academic research ( EBSCOhost).https://libraryguides.centennialcollege.ca/addictionandmentalhealthAssignment Purpose:The purpose of this assignment is to write an evidence-based practice (EBP) report. An EBP Report identifies and critically evaluates all the literature on a practice-based question in order to determine the best available research evidence on which to base practice, and to make a recommendation on best-practice based on the evidence OR to identify if no recommendation is possible based on the current research.Assignment Description:Introduction: (4 marks)Describe the problem you want to addressDescribe the importance (prevalence, severity, cost implications, impact on function, aesthetics, etc.) of the problemDescribe why the problem/issue is important personally and/or personally to you and your services usersAim: (4 marks)State the question to be answered in a format that can be searchedExplain how knowing the answer will improve your professional practice as an addiction and mental health workerMethods: (4 marks)describe the search strategy used to collect the evidencedescribe the criteria used to include or exclude evidenceResults: (4 marks)state the yield of the search strategy(ies)Show numbers of papers rejected at each stage (title, abstract, full copy)Show final numbers of studies included and critical appraisal score(s)Create an evidence table to display your resultsDiscussion (10 marks):Critical and detailed review of the researchConclusion (4 marks):Draw conclusions from your analysis of the literatureDraw an overall conclusion about the quality of the evidenceState the best answer to your questionAPA Formatting (3 marks):Formatted cover page and reference pageIn-text citations where appropriatePage numbersFont type and sizeMarginsWriting Style (3 marks):Sentence structureParagraph structureSpellingGrammarPunctuation