House on Mango Street
Pick ONE (ONLY ONE) of the prompts below that you think you can do the best Include the number of the one u decide to work on.ONLY SOURCE IS ( The. house on Mango Street) by Sandra Cisneros1. In Gils Furniture Bought and Sold, Cisneros describes the sound of an old music box: Its like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan-neck shadows in our bones. (20) This technique, in which a sound is described in terms of things seen and felt, is called synesthesia. Where else in the book does Cisneros use synesthesia? Write your own descriptions of: a) a place, using sounds; b) a piece of music, using smells; c) a meal, using colors; d) a person, using taste and touch.2. Reread the story My Name. Taking inspiration in Cisneros poetic style, write about your own name. Do some research if necessary (call parents to ask about your name etc.) Address questions such as: who gave your name to you? What language does it come from? What does your name originally mean? If you were named after someone in your family, tell a story about that person. How well does your name fit you? If you were going to rename yourself, what name would you choose and why?3. Reread Hairs, Laughter, Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark, and Born Bad, and pay special attention to the language with which Esperanza describes the members of her family. Then write a description of your own family, using metaphors that not only tell the reader what your relatives look like but that suggest how you feel about them.4.Taking inspiration from the chapters The House on Mango Street and A House of My Own, write a description of your home, using language that tells the reader both how it looks and how you feel about it. Then write a description of the kind of house in which youd like to live.5. Read “Four Skinny Trees”. Esperanza describes the “Four Skinny Trees” as “four who do not belong here but are here.” (74) How does this description reflect her own sense of herself? Write a description of an object in your neighborhood that reflects your feelings about yourself.