HR and Organizational Culture Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment, I would like you to choose a company that you are interested in learning more about. Then, research this company to answer the following questions: – What is the company mission? – What are the company values? – What role does HR play in fulfilling company values? (e.g., do they highlight HR initiatives that fulfill their values or objectives?) Based on what you learned about this company, present an analysis of whetherand how this company has leveraged the HR function to fulfill strategic goals and values. Provide specific examples as evidence to support your analysis. If the organization does not have any clear HR initiatives, then provide 2-3 examples of what HR initiatives they could be leveraging to fulfill their strategic goals/mission/values? Please describe the HR initiative(s) and how it would meet their objective(s). Format of Submission: You can respond to each question with a few sentences or bullet pointed lists. Please present your analysis in paragraph form. Your response should be about 1- 2 pages in a standard font (e.g., Arial, Times New Roman).