Human Behavior in Aviation
A comparative critique of three scholarly articles in aviation risk management including current trends in safety that may include cockpit resource management skills or organizational safety cultures and the impact on safety. Write a 2 page comparative critique of three scholarly articles. The student will research and select one primary article written five years ago or less that details a historical event in aviation that has relevance today. The student will write a 2 page paper summary of the article with supporting or contrasting information from at least two other articles. Good practices of writing comparative critiques should be in use. In essence, you are comparing and contrasting these articles. You should thoroughly acquaint yourself with the articles, build a frame of reference from which to write, and form a thesis statement for your paper which captures the main focus of your argument. The comparative critique must be 2 pages in addition to the title and reference pages. The critique must be submitted as a Word document in APA format. also you must use our class text, it is attached in the attachment section, this paper must be 100% plagiarized free.. (I have been burned before, right here….. lol).