Human Milk Sharing System
Hi, the topic for my grant proposal background is human milk sharing system. Please help me edit the paper following the assignment instruction. Please edit the grammar and content, feel free to add in and remove content if need it. The paper needs to be within 4 pages, please cut down some of my content so it fit into 4 pages and please help me use AMA citation format. Thanks. Instructions: Grant Proposal Project Background Assignment The first step related to writing your grant proposal will be to research and write a background section for your project. The background will provide the context for the program that you are proposing and set the stage for how and why you are proposing your intervention. In this assignment – you will be describing the scope and significance of the public health nutrition/physical activity problem, its impact on the population that you are working with, and the evidence base regarding existing programs or interventions that address your declared problem. Please note that this assignment will be helpful for designing the intervention for your grant proposal assignment, and that you may reuse any material that you write here for your final project (it will not be considered self-plagiarizing). It should be noted too though, that this background section will probably need to be revised for your final proposal, since your thinking will probably undergo some changes that need to be reflected in the final background section of your proposal). Also note that for some topic areas there will be extensive (and perhaps overwhelming!) literature and your job will be to narrow the topic to make it manageable for your assignment. For other topics or population groups, the literature base is very small and you may need to widen your search and use smaller studies or extrapolate information from other similar problem areas or populations. These issues can be noted in your report. Specifics: Grading: worth 20% of class grade 1.5 spaced report, 1- inch margins, 11 point font, Arial. 3-4 pages, excluding references, tables and figures. Your Background assignment paper will be based on the topic and population that you chose This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment and will inform your proposal project. The report should include the following elements: Public health problem to be addressed. A general description of the problem or issue, with specific focus on the population you are addressing. This information will probably reflect national or many state level statistics unless your population is very specific (ie. Navajo Nation or Appalachian). This section should include the importance / significance of the problem; the scope of the problem nationally and locally to the geographic area of your proposal (if youve decided that); and information relevant to the population(s) to be targeted in your proposal. Overview of existing intervention strategies. A summary of existing programs or approaches that are commonly used to address your topic area. You may want to use review articles here to describe general approaches and set the context for more specific approaches that are reviewed in detail below. Review the literature to provide an overview of the types of intervention strategies (including policies, programs, campaigns, etc) that are being used to address your problem area and your population. Provide some indication as to the extensiveness and robustness of the research literature on this topic. That is, are there many studies addressing your chosen issue and target population or are there very few. Briefly describe your methods for gathering information and your criteria for including programs in the specific review descrided below. Review of specific programs/projects/policies/campaigns. From your literature review, choose at least 3 appropriate interventions (programs, policies, campaigns, etc) to showcase in more detail. The purpose of these reviews is to better understand the goals and methods of relevant interventions, to get a sense of “what it takes” to intervene on this problem area for your targeted population, and to recognize the type and level of impact that can be expected based on different interventions and research strategies. Describe important elements of each study (population, activities, major outcomes, etc). How do they address your declared issue in terms of their types of intervention activities, population, outcome measures, results, follow-up, etc? If it is helpful, you can use a table in the appendix to document the different studies you reviewed. Identify lessons learned and gaps or needs to be addressed . Finally, synthesize your findings from the general overview and your specific intervention study reviews. Describe lessons from the literature and the interventions that you reviewed that could be applied to the grant proposal project. Identify need(s) or gap(s) in existing programs or interventions to address your chosen topic area or targeted population. References & Appendix materials. Use appropriate and consistent citations and reference formatting. If helpful, include tables, charts, or other materials in an appendix.